NylaGray Photography
After our special OUR TOWN: SUMMIT insert special ran a year ago, an EDGE reader requested extra copies to include in the gift bags for his daughter’s Spring ’18 wedding. We were happy to oblige, but with one “hitch”—we asked for a PEOPLE PAGE wedding shot in return. So we hereby present newlyweds Annie Ferguson and Phillip Henderson—hiding behind EDGE cover boy Reid Scott—who tied the knot on May 19th at St. Teresa of Avila Church in Summit.

Photos by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Amanda Rae Moreno
Union’s own Petty Officer 1st Class Leon Welcome is now an instructor at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. An accomplished structural mechanic, Welcome is pulling double-duty, lecturing on a wide range of topics—including personal finance and nutrition—at the Naval Air Technical Training Center. He was born in Guayana and raised in Union.

Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Amanda Rae Moreno.
Growing up in Elizabeth, Petty Officer 3rd Class George Garces absorbed life lessons that have accelerated his career in the Navy. He is now a Ship’s Serviceman—responsible for management and operation of shipboard retail and service activities. “I learned to work hard [in Elizabeth], which helps me do better at my job in the Navy, while improving my job skills and being a leader,” says Garces, who continued a family tradition when he enlisted after graduating from high school.